Tuesday, November 26, 2013

World Aids Day Fair

December 1st is International World Aids Day. My obstetris counterpart and I have known for months that we wanted to do some awareness events in honor of World Aids Day. We planned to do a street march and a small World Aids Day fair in the main plaza in our town. I even got some funding for a Peace Corps grant to buy some materials that we could use for our events :) Even though World Aids Day is on December 1st, we did our World Aids Day fair yesterday (on November 25th) about a week early because I am going on vacation and will not be in Huallanca for World Aids Day.

We planned to do a big World Aid´s day fair, but in 90% of the things you plan don´t turn out how you thought they would...So due to some complications, we were only able to get two tables/booths set up, but we made the most of what we could. I have about 20 student health promoters (see previous blog entry) who helped me inform and educate people at out World Aids Day fair. I was SO proud of them and loved to see them educating people about HIV/AIDS and correct condom use.

During our World Aids Day fair, we handed out brochures on HIV/AIDS education, red HIV/AIDS awareness ribbons for people to wear on their shirts, condoms along with correct condom use demonstrations (completely led by my students-I was SO proud!), dances, skits on HIV/AIDS, and we had a microphone and speaker that allowed us to give talks about HIV/AIDS education.

Like I keep saying, I was SO proud to see my students teaching people HIV/AIDS education. Knowing that they truly have learned from what I have taught them makes me so happy! It´s truly so rewarding for me to know that the work I am doing is actually making a small difference. Especially seeing the girls totally shine with knowledge that we brought to the Pasos Adelante conference (see previous blog entry) was really rewarding for me and my sitemate!

Here are some photos from our activities for World Aids Day!

A banner that I designed and bought with grant money for our World Aids Day events

Starting our street march 

Our street march

Our street march

Our street march- and yes that is a photo of a condom that says "use me!"

Our street march

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 A group of men learning the correct condom use from my students! I am so proud! 

A group of men learning the correct condom use from my students! I am so proud!

Performing a dance 
Performing a mini skit

World Aids day brochures, ribbons, and condoms. 

Some of my girls handing out World Aids Day ribbons 

They make me so proud :)
After a lot of hard work on all my projects, I am going on a long vacation! I will be heading to Arequipa (in southern Peru) and then to Bolivia! Photos to come upon my return!

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