Monday, November 11, 2013

Library Update

I´ve been working really hard these past few weeks on physical preparing the library to make it available for actual use. Generally in Peru things tend to be much more complicated than they should be so everything takes much longer to do which is why we are STILL working on preparing the library for use. But little by little things are happening which is a definitely plus in Peru so I am very content. The local municipality really, actually fixed the walls! Which is amazing and a big accomplishment because it can be nearly impossible to get them to do anything! I am so thankful that they actually came through and helped to support my project. So here is what it looked like after they fixed the walls and after my boyfriend and I scrapped about 30 pounds of dirt and crap off the floor: 

(For a before photo see the previous blog post-big difference!)

And today, we painted it a bright green color!:

The students are THRILLED to be getting a library and can´t stop talking about how excied they are about it! :)

One of the teachers helping me paint.

My little helper working hard :)

Here´s how it turned out! It´s so bright, I know!

It´s still drying but basically this is how it looks :)

So now we are just about ready to move in the book shelf and the books to FINALLY start using our library! I just went to check on the progress of the shelf and the carpenter is almost finished thankfully. Here is the shelf that is ALMOST finished:

The carpentor says that he will be finished with the book shelf on Wednesday and from there I will move it down to the library along with the books. Fingers crossed that it will actually be ready on Wednesday because he keeps delaying doing it which is just how things are in small town Peru. After the shelf, he will make children´s chairs and tables for our library :)

More library updates to come soon as we move the books and games in!

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