Friday, July 13, 2012

Algunas Cositas

The Peace Corps gave us our Peruvian cell phones! So I wanted to post my number so that people can call me on my Peruvian cell phone if necessary. You can buy a phone card and call me from your phone in the states directly to my Peruvian cell. My number is: 001-511-943692237. You can also directly call this number from skype if you purchase skype credit (don´t worry mom, I´ll talk you through it next time we skype each other!).

A sad Peace Corps moment: Running out of the peanut butter that you brought from the states. It´s a sad moment because peanut butter is not popular here and all and is difficult to find/extremely in I would have to pay like my month´s salary to buy more...might be an exageration it is pretty dang pricey!

My American peanut butter is all gone :(

Tomorrow I am headed to a state called Ancash in the Sierra mountain range to spend a week doing field based training. This will include shadowing current Peace Corps volunteers as well as facilitating educational sessions in the classroom at different schools. Some very exciting news is that I unofficially found out that I will indeed be living in Ancash (the state in the Sierra where I will be all next week) for my two year site!! I still don't know exactly where in Ancash I will be living but I am beyond excited! Being there all next week will only make it more real!

Photos and stories to come when I return from the Sierra in a week :)

Life as a tall gringa
Bakery treats with my homegirl Kaeli 

Large statues of Jesus seem to be very popular in Latin America

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